Clean uninstall of ArcMap
The steps on how to perform a complete uninstall of ArcMap.
Some files might be not removed or updated completed after uninstalling ArcMap or upgrading ArcGIS for Desktop.
Solution or Workaround
***Note: You will be making changes to your computer’s registry. Esri is not responsible for any incorrect changes made to the registry of your machine. Please make the changes under your own permission.
1) uninstall ArcGIS and all ArcGIS applications on the machine. Uninstall all Python programs from the list.
2) Delete the following directories if they still exist:
-C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS
-C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArcGIS
3) Open the registry editor (From Start type “Regedit”) and delete the following registry keys if they still exist.